Card activated vs coin operated washing machines

A number of commercial establishments play host to washing machines that can either be activated by pre-paid cards or by coins, and there are many in the industry who will tell you the plus and minus points of either system. If you’re trying to decide which is best, there isn’t a definite answer, unfortunately. The most appropriate system will always depend on the type of operation you have.

Why choose a coin operated washing machine?

You can find a coin operated washing machine in laundrettes, hotels, guesthouses and student halls of residence, and they offer an easy and convenient way for users to get their laundry done with a minimum of fuss. There are a number of advantages to this particular option, including:

  • People are used to operating coin operated washing machines
  • Users generally make sure they have ready cash available
  • Coin mechanisms rarely break down
  • There’s no risk of over-payment, ensuring customer satisfaction
  • Maintenance-free operation can keep laundry rooms open 24/7

It should be pointed out, however, that there are some minus points to a coin operation system. Sometimes users won’t have the available monies to use the machine, and of course owners have to make arrangements to empty the coin-boxes as and when necessary.

Would a card activated washing machine be more suitable for you?

A number of establishments have made the switch to card activation systems in recent years, and as always there have been good and bad reports about the change. Those who favour the card option will tell you of the many benefits, including:

  • Users can operate machines even when they don’t have available cash
  • There is unlikely to be a direct theft issue for owners
  • No need to empty coin boxes any longer
  • Customer experience won’t be spoilt by stuck or unusable coins

Needless to say, there are several disadvantages which need to be taken into consideration as well.  

Don’t be caught out by fraudsters.

There are some unscrupulous individuals who have sought to operate card activated machines illegally, and a few who have been successful have then published their methods online. In order to avoid being a victim of such people, owners may need to update software and equipment in a bid to stay ahead of the law-breakers.

Another issue involves those who top their cards up but don’t use all the money that’s on the card. They may move away, for example, or change jobs and will lose their cash. 

A high quality payment box is available from Allsop & Francis, and it gives operators a chance to offer both coin and card options to their users.